Moulded Leather–Sun Glasses Pouch

_BAI5418 copySomething I’ve been meaning to do for a long time—moulded leather pouch, not just for moulding’s sake, but also have a purpose. I found the perfect medium to start this idea.

I use sunglasses pouch to start this idea. It holds the shape of a pair of sunglasses inside the pouch (if you are a sunglasses hoarder like me, you will appreciate how much easier now for you to pick out the right pair of sunglasses without opening up all the boxes). Also, veg tan leather will tan overtime just like you will, which makes it an interesting connection.

I moulded the leather with vacuum and blowed dry the surface. I also use a bit of wax to make the sunglasses looks shinier, which adds a nice detail.

_BAI5417 copy_BAI5413 copysunglasses

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